n. the art and knowledge involved in eating and preparing good food.
eating with ibis seeks to communicate and advance this art and knowledge by focusing on quality writing and quality food.
we don't use phrases like:
'fuck yum'
'herby mayo'
we write and rant with clarity and precision.
What do we look for when giving the bird?
Is it decidedly delectable and delicious?
Is it consistent?
Is there commitment and longevity?
Is there impact - do behaviours and attitudes change once people have been?
Our way
We don't tell you what's new, we tell you what's good. Good is not limited to 'fine dining' or any other Western-centric concepts, this includes inordinate focus on ambiance or service. We will only review a place after going there at least three times. We will call things out.
Our Commitment
We are committed to learning, sharing, and healing. We acknowledge that we are on stolen land and that a First Nations voice needs to be enshrined in the constitution. We join the path towards reconciliation. We commit to diversity in food media in Australia.