Not the creepy kind that listens to our conversations.
Marrickville time and time again defends its title as heavyweight coffee suburb. With Ona, Alchemy, Roastville just around the corner, Algorithm is playing in the Champions League amongst the local greats.
The trademark “Rhythm” coffee is absolute choice. On top of a solid cold brew is a velvety head of cream. What elevates the drink is the orange zest and vanilla essence in the cream, reacting with the fruity notes of the cold brew. Like drinking a tiramisu, it feels like an adult indulgence.
The team are warm, chatty and make a point of looking after every customer. Seated at the “chef’s table”, we were treated with a yummy cold raspberry drink infused with earl grey from T Totaler. It seemed like the guys were co-owners in the business as they genuinely seemed grateful for each person that walked in.
Algorithm is noticeably popular with international students on brunch dates (decked out in Miu Miu and Arcteryx), though local hipsters and families are also constantly streaming in. No doubt this will keep picking up, and deservedly so as the care poured into their craft and product is top notch. Really chuffed to see businesses like this and doing their bit for the culture. Cheers ☕️ Go and show your support people!