A different pizza. A better pizza. An easy pizza.
Front of house is a lone yet dexterous affair. A jovial and competent professional notes orders over the phone whilst seamlessly taking payments, passing pizzas, and operating waste recovery of boxes from tables. A quick hug with a fellow colleague and all is well on a Sunday night.
This is everything that is Westwood - efficient, amicable, tasteful, and tasty. It's a true neighbourhood joint that isn't trying to be anything other than itself. But it just so happens to also be the best pizza being served right now off the east coast of Australia.

Large hunks of blue spanner crab wade across a sea of tomato - the summer season lending its wonders. Shellfish oil provides welcome accompaniment to the sweet crab and tomato, the perfect savoury concoction. The occasional coriander seed surprises your senses, a crunch and burst of flavour punching through everything else. Whilst being a 'floppy' pizza, it's a work of magic how a base so thin still holds such remarkable form.
"Charred bubbles blistered on the surface provide assurance of the oven’s ferocity and gusto."
The dough at Westwood is stretched with finesse, the pizzaiolo a master of their art. The rim they craft is an immaculate frame for the toppings to come. In this case, spoonfuls of minced garlic resembling hummus are arced from centre to rim. A veritable carpet of luxury. Planned with the eye of an architect, the crust negotiates a perfect balance of texture with the toppings. Charred bubbles blistered on the surface provide assurance of the oven’s ferocity and gusto.
Finely grated cheese is then sifted liberally over the pizza before it enters the oven. Snatched from the ashes of the ironbark, it’s finished with freshly cracked pepper. Within moments the pizza is delivered from oven to table. And it’s absolutely fucking delicious.

Ibis Award: Two. It's worth a detour, if not nearly a special trip, to taste something that's utterly overwhelming and being nailed 100%. What makes it special is that it's a little different to all other woodfired pizzas being served around Sydney.
Ibis Tip: Call ahead to order for pick-up, when you arrive - pay, pick-up pizza, and if there's a table available, why not just sit down and enjoy!